Best Experts advice on Poinsettia care

I just need to think of Poinsettia to immediately think of Christmas. It is the Christmas plant par excellence, even if it often does not arrive until Christmas due to the wrong treatments. In this article, I have compiled the best tips from experts for caring for our Poinsettia.


Pre Purchase Advice

The first advice on the care of our Poinsettia comes even before the purchase. In fact, it is useful to start on the right foot and buy a plant that is already healthy.

According to, we need to make sure we buy a poinsettia with dense foliage and a nice green color, discarding those with yellowing or quickly falling leaves right away. Furthermore, the flowers must also be nice, firm, and not mushy.

So take a moment before choosing your Poinsettia.


According to the University of Oklahoma, light plays a fundamental role in plant survival. The Poinsettia should receive six to 8 hours of direct natural or artificial light. However, it warns us not to let the Poinsettia come into contact with the window’s glass because the cold glass could ruin the leaves.


The soil must be kept moist. So the University of Minnesota explains. Don’t let the poinsettias get dry, the article continues. We must keep it moist and ensure that the water drains freely because the water’s stagnation causes our Poinsettia’s roots to rot. To understand if it is time to water, just lift the pot and feel if it is light or heavy. Also, if the soil’s surface is dry to the touch, it is time to water.


According to the University of Massachusetts, we can fertilize poinsettias using different approaches. Common fertilizers such as 15-0-15, 15-16-17, and 20-10-20 can be used, but also fertilizers containing superphosphate.

If you want some indications, these are the fertilizers recommended:

Fertilization must be regular from sowing and repeat every 2 or 3 weeks until the sale and stop. If we want to be more prudent, we are advised not to lack calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in our soil.

All these tips apply if we want to make our plants bloom again. In fact, if it is already in bloom, we can do without fertilizing it.

Reblooming after the holidays

The previous section asks: What happens after the holidays when the plant fades? The most common question is, should I throw it away, or can I make it bloom again?

The dry answer is Yes, you can make it bloom again even if it is not an easy task, explains Dr. Leonard Perry of the University of Vermont, who has developed an accurate calendar for the cure of the Poinsettia according to the time of the year.

From September, he suggests giving the plant eight hours of direct sun and then full shade for the rest of the day. In the meantime, we continue to fertilize it gently every two or three weeks. At the same time, from January to July, we have to remove insects and remove excess leaves. And eliminate the dry parts or prune them if it is too long.

If you prefer, I found this helpful video that more or less resumes what we have just said about how to take care of our Poinsettia


Finally, after so many years of failure, perhaps this Christmas, not only will I have a beautiful poinsettia, but I will also be able to make it bloom again during the year.

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